Are you looking for a fun event on Febuary 1st or 2nd? Check this out...
16 days ago, St. Charles Community Schools
Annie Jr.
Shout out to our NEW St. Charles Bulldogs eSports team! We battled it out against Ashley, Breckenridge, Coleman, Fulton, Merrill, and Montanella in Rocket League and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate this past Friday! Both teams played amazingly and showed incredible sportsmanship. Our Rocket League team fought hard against some fierce opponents, securing one victory, and our Smash Bros. team went undefeated until the final rounds! They'll be within the top elimination bracket at our next competition, which will be held on February 7th at Merrill High School (the same location as our first!). Our eSports team included Nathan Kutz, Ethan Frikken, James Cameron, Mario Aguilera, Alex Patterson, Tyler Betzer, Michael Laster, and Garrett Samyn. Esports team practice resumes this coming Tuesday 2:35-4:00 PM in the middle school library. #StCharlesBulldogs #eSports #RocketLeague #SmashBrosUltimate
16 days ago, St. Charles Community Schools
Attention HS Seniors and Parents! FAFSA Night Reschedule Date and Information. Hello, Senior Parents and Guardians. The FAFSA Night has been rescheduled for Thursday, February 6, 2025. The event will run from 5 to 7 p.m. in Room 102. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Hart at 989-865-9991. Please register using the link below. Dinner and snacks will be provided. Link to Register:
20 days ago, St. Charles Community Schools
Congratulations to Audrey H., a Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Scholarship recipient. Audrey was honored at a ceremony held at Saginaw Valley State University. She is a senior and will pursue her post-secondary education to become a lawyer. Congratulations, Audrey!
20 days ago, St. Charles Community Schools
CMU College of Medicine is offering the Spring Health Career Pipeline Program (HCPP). The program is a 7-week program being held, at no cost to students, Monday’s at 5:30-7:00pm from March 10-April 21 by the Mid Central Area Health Education Center and Central Michigan University College of Medicine. The majority of weekly sessions will be held in person at the Saginaw CMU College of Medicine location (1632 S. Stone St. Saginaw, MI), with a couple virtual classes held as well via Zoom. These weekly sessions will introduce health profession-interested students to a variety of potential career paths, hands-on activities, and local professionals. During their participation, students will also be paired with a college student mentor pursuing a health professions career. These experiences will assist in developing a network to support student’s future goals. The online application is due Friday, February 14, and can be accessed here: If you have questions you can call Sandy Hart at 989-865-9991 or
21 days ago, St. Charles Community Schools
If you are interested in volunteering with high school students as they go through a "Reality Check", please reach out to Mrs. Hart at 989-865-9991 or As part of a "Reality Check" students receive a career, buy a car, pay bills, have a family, etc. We are looking for individuals who may be available to volunteer for an hour up to six hours. Thank you for considering!
21 days ago, St. Charles Community Schools
Reality Check Grades 9-12
St. Charles Community Schools will be closed on Wednesday, January 22, 2025, due to the expected cold weather conditions. The daycare will be closed as well. Stay safe and warm, Bulldogs!
21 days ago, St. Charles Community Schools
St. Charles Community Schools would like to thank our Board of Education for their dedication and service to our District. We invite you to enjoy the video our high school broadcasting teacher, Mr. Swain, and his broadcasting students created. They did a fantastic job involving students and staff in composing the video. Our heartfelt gratitude goes to the Board of Education for their invaluable support!
22 days ago, St. Charles Community Schools
All activities, including events, games, and practices, are canceled for St. Charles Community Schools for Tuesday, January 21, 2025.
22 days ago, St. Charles Community Schools
St. Charles Community Schools will be closed on Tuesday, January 21, 2025, due to the expected cold weather conditions. The Daycare will remain open. Stay safe and warm, Bulldogs!
22 days ago, St. Charles Community Schools
26 days ago, St. Charles Community Schools
No School
Can you help by volunteering for our Annual Reality Check for the MS/HS? Contact Sandy Hart at
27 days ago, St. Charles Community Schools
Reality Check Grades 9-12
Student scientists in Mrs. Pumford’s fifth-grade science class observed a turkey eye, chicken leg bones, fish blood, legs of a fly, and even a spleen slide through microscopes! Learning is fun!
27 days ago, St. Charles Community Schools
STC 4th- 8th-grade girls interested in playing volleyball, this message is for you! You can click on this link for more INFORMATION: You can click on this link to SIGN UP:
30 days ago, St. Charles Community Schools
Youth Volleyball
We regret to inform you that tonight's FAFSA event has been canceled. We will work to reschedule the event soon. Thank you.
30 days ago, St. Charles Community Schools
St. Charles Community Schools will be closed for Monday, January 13, 2025 due to current road conditions. Daycare will be open.
30 days ago, Heather Selich
St. Charles Community Schools is excited to introduce Sarah Kettelhohn, the Interim Superintendent until a permanent Superintendent is selected. Mrs. Kettelhohn has extensive experience as an educator, Interim Superintendent, and Superintendent. Please join us in welcoming her to the home of the St. Charles Bulldogs!
about 1 month ago, St. Charles Community Schools
Are you 17 or older and looking for an apprenticeship opportunity? If so, check out Local 557. The application period is fast approaching. Eligible applicants must be at least 17 years old and in their senior year of high school. You cannot begin working until you turn 18 and must provide proof of your diploma; nonetheless, preparing for your future is essential.
about 1 month ago, St. Charles Community Schools
Job Opportunity
The St. Charles MS/HS Students Against Destructive Decisions Committee expressed our District's appreciation for Chief Oliver and Officer Diem. Their hard work does not go unnoticed. Our students and staff have the utmost respect for them and are happy that they work on our campus, keeping us safe! Thank you! Pictured below are the Officers of the Week from St. Charles Elementary School and Students from the Students Against Destructive Decisions Committee.
about 1 month ago, St. Charles Community Schools
Officer Appreciation
There is still time to sign up for the 2025 DC trip! The trip is for current 6th and 7th graders who will be in 7th and 8th grade at the time of the trip. Parents are invited to attend! For more information, contact Danielle Samyn at
about 1 month ago, St. Charles Community Schools
DC trip